Expert Witness Support

I am happy to act as an expert witness on behalf of a client.

My resume will show my range of experience and expertise in Urban and Industrial Entomology. I will not act as an expert witness if I believe this will hurt a client on the basis of the facts and will advise them of this so their legal counsel can act on their behalf appropriately to their benefit.

As an expert witness, I carefully review the facts of the case and provide a professional opinion as an entomologist and experienced pest management practitioner with more than 30 years of experience in the field – 8 years as a Quality Assurance Manager for a National Pest Control firm and 23 years managing and developing IPM programs in the largest nonprofit housing organization in Canada.

My fees in this capacity are $150 per hour, but as a Entomologist Consultant for a client on a retainer, the fees are $100 per hour against the retainer.
